TGOJ stoppmaskin (Järnväg allmänt)

av Peter Verschelden, Monday, December 03, 2018, 22:14 (1967 dagar sedan) @ Christer Ljunggren

Two ( or more ? ) photographs ( by Rolf Bergström in the collection of Eskilstuna Stadsmuseum ) of this TGOJ stoppmaskin were shown in this forum in 2013-03-13 when Eric Henriksson made an entry with "TGOJ Storrevision på gång … ( del1 / 5 ) ( ).
One is exactly the same as the photograph in this entry, but not as clear. The second one was taken four sleepers up the track. Unfortunately, these photographs are not visible anymore.
Is there anybody who knows the TGOJ number for this stoppmaskin and other info?
Anybody for a photograph of SL 9245?

Peter Verschelden

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