Översättningshjälp ang. uniformsdetaljer (Järnvägspersonal)

av Richard Loe, Wednesday, June 04, 2008, 12:32 (5797 dagar sedan) @ Ante Svensson

The winged wheel symbol showed that the wearer was employed by Swedish State Railways (SJ). The button showed which department the wearer worked within.

Men det stämmer ju inte riktigt. I så fall skulle man säga att "a crowned winged wheel symbol showed that the wearer was employed by Swedish State Railways (SJ). A winged wheel without the crown showed that the wearer was employed by a private owned railway. The button showed which department the wearer worked within".


OK, det var ju ännu tydligare. En mindre grammatisk rätning, det ska vara "private[b]ly[/b] owned", inte "private owned".

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